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Preventive Officer Past Paper

Iranian revolution-1979
 2. PM of India-Narendra Modi
3. Benazird died-27th dec, 2007
4. 1=1, 2=8, 2=27 what is next? 4=64
 5. 3, 7, 12, ? 18 like this
6. hardest-carbon
7. President of Afghan-Ashraf Ghani
8. PM UK-David Cameron
9. Poisonous gas-Carbon Monoxide
10. Guardian of SAW-Abu Talib
11. 0.05’s=5%
 12. 1//2 value=0.5
 13. Ratio: 4:5
14. one side of triangle is 90.
15. A straight line from center is to circumference-Radius
16. Hardest Element-Carbon
17. Second migration to-Shab-e-Abi Talib
18. Right angle is-90
19. 5x=30, X=6
20. Qaid’s 14 points in-1929
21. Now or Never written by-Ch Rehmat
22. Ghazwa-e-badar took place in-2AH
23. Tashkent agreement between-Indopak
24. Durand line-Pak-Afghan
25. Morroco-Rabat
26. Petroleum in pak incorporated by-Oil & Gas Regulation Authority
27. Normal temp-37 degree
28. Genes located in-DNA
29. Magnetic poles are N+S=2
30. Storage of Energy in-Capacitor
31. No of Human bones-206
32. Idols in Kabah-360
33. Ratio of 1k to 600m=5:3
34. Continuous process of living thins-reproduction
35. Manufacturing of Medicine is-Pharmacy
36. Khalilullah-Saifullah
37. Quran was translated into Persian by-Shah Walilluah
38. Basic Beliefs in Islam-5
39. Muslim League was founded in-Dhaka
40. 1st President of pak-Iskandar Mirza
41. last Governor General of Pak-Iskandar Mirza
42. Last viceroy of India-Lord Mount Baten
43. 1st Martial law was imposed in-1958
44. Indus treaty was signed in-1960
45. Zia died on-17th Aug, 1988
46. Suez Canal is near to-Egypt
47. 1st Hajj leaded by-Abu Bakar
48. WWII-1939-1945
49. World Trade centers were in-NY
50. Babri mosque demolished in-16 dec, 1992
51. Gwadar port is on-Arabian Sea
52. Economic corridor was benefited to-Central Asia
53. Russian attacked Afghan in-1979
54. distance on circle circumference is called-Arc
55. 0.01 can be written as,,,,1/100
56. Null & void means-Empty set
57. Founding members of ECO-Pak+Iran+Turkey
58. Straight line motion-Linear
59. Gomal Pass-Pak Afghan
60. 2nd Summit OIC-Lahore, Pak
61. Electron has-Negative Charge
62. Mangla Dam in-AJK, Mirpur (none)
1- Deficiency of vitamin D causes which disease?
2- Most elastic material . Steel, glass, rubber
3-chairman senate?
4- capital of Australia
5- loyal Muhammad written by ?
6- BAttle of Trench occurred in which hijri
7- Chancellor of Germany
8- second C-in-C of Pakistan
9- blood is filtered by ???
10- ML was founded in?
11- gas used in bulb ?
12- second pm Pakistan
13- Delhi became capital in?
14- kashgarh is the city of which country?

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