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Freedom of Speech is not Freedom Of Hate Speech


Freedom of Speech is not Free Of Hate Speech

Freedom of speech is birthright of every human being and universally acknowledged as the one of the fundamental human right that any State must provide this right to its citizen. In, the modern world, most of the countries along with other basic human rights pay much attention to provide the right of freedom of speech to its citizen and in most of the Countries it is constitutionally protected. Not only Secular and Liberal schools of thoughts advocates for this right of Freedom of Speech but also different Religious schools of thoughts also advocates for it as almost every religion of the world hold it as birthright of every individual. 

Every individual has right to express his/her opinion and thoughts and this is main principle of democracy but this right of freedom of speech must never allowed to turn into freedom of hate speech or to be used to hurt the cultural or religious sentiments of others. If Freedom of Speech is considered as basic human right then Hate Speech or hurting the sentiments of a particular community or a group is also considered as violation of human rights.

no freedom for hate speech

In modern times, we are witnessing the clash of different cultural,social,political and religious ideologies, where one group uses the right of Freedom Of Speech as their weapon to commit act of Hate Speech and spit out their venom against the rival group and then defend their this derogatory act in the name of Freedom of Speech. Such actions are not only dangerous for the peace and harmony as often verbal spats turn into violent brawls. 

There is dire need to understand that there is clear difference between freedom of speech and hate speech. Words used as weapon to hit opposing group or community, sometimes do more damage as hurting sentiments of opposing groups proves fatal, if the aggrieved party reacts in a violent way.

Freedom of speech is no license to abuse

Words do not hurt anyone physically but it really hurts someone's feelings,emotions or sentiments to a great extent. Especially hurting religious sentiments often bring the devastating consequences and any certain "Hate Speech" against any specific religion goes beyond borders and condemned by the followers of that religion all around the globe. In the recent times, the derogatory remarks and speeches made against Islam and Prophet of Islam in the name of freedom of speech annoyed the Muslims all around the world and their sentiments were hurt by those, who did it in the name of Freedom of Speech, but their actual intentions were to spread hate. Religion is very sacred and those who follows it by heart never allow anyone to speak or express ill-thoughts against it. Some serious legislation regarding the "Hate Speech" has become necessary, so stop those individuals from using this Right of Free speech as their weapon to spit out venom against others.  

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